Understand which is better for YOU ... SAP vs SAS

Let's Understand First WHAT IS THE MEANING OF SAP & SAS?

SAP is one of the world’s leading producers of software for the management of business processes, developing solutions that facilitate effective data processing and information flow across organizations.

SAS is a programming language for statistical analysis that is useful in various fields and industries for data mining and related data handling. It provides results related to multivariate analysis, predictive analytics, and more.

Understanding SAP

What does SAP stand for?

The name is an initialism of the company’s original German name: Systemanalyse Programmentwicklung, which translates to System Analysis Program Development.

What is SAP software used for?

Traditional business models often decentralize data management, with each business function storing its own operational data in a separate database. This makes it difficult for employees from different business functions to access each other’s information. Furthermore, duplication of data across multiple departments increases IT storage costs and the risk of data errors.

By centralizing data management, SAP software provides multiple business functions with a single view of the truth. This helps companies better manage complex business processes by giving employees of different departments easy access to real-time insights across the enterprise. As a result, businesses can accelerate workflows, improve operational efficiency, raise productivity, enhance customer experiences and ultimately increase profits.

What does SAP do?

SAP helps companies and organizations of all sizes and industries run their businesses profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.

Understanding SAS

What does SAS stand for?

The full form of SAS is Statistical Analysis Software. It was created in the year 1960 and was used for, business intelligence, Predictive Analysis, Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis, data management, etc. Since then, many new statistical procedures and components were introduced in the software.

What is SAS software used for?

The SAS language is a computer programming language used for statistical analysis, created by Anthony James Barr at North Carolina State University. It can read in data from common spreadsheets and databases and output the results of statistical analyses in tables, graphs, and as RTF, HTML, and PDF documents.

What does SAS do?

SAS is a group of computer programs that work together to store data values and retrieve them, modify data, compute simple and complex statistical analyses, and create reports.




SAP is an (Enterprise Resource Planning, more commonly known as ERP. SAP is a German acronym that is spelled in English as “Systems, Applications, and Products in data processing”.

Statistical Analytical Solution or SAS provides complete and comprehensive analytics, including business intelligence and predictive analysis.

The predictive analysis tool in SAP is much trusted and tested thus forming an essential component of the Business Intelligence capabilities

SAS is equipped with a universal to interconnect. Point to point topology, which comes with a disk connection with scalable throughput. SAS is known to be a very flexible and efficient way of leveraging increasing amounts of data.

SAS does not have any BO products. However, it has enough tools to be used in Analytics.

SAP recently purchased Business Objects, which is the basis of all its offerings in the Analytics space.

Due to a lack of a user-friendly interface, it is generally not preferred by new users.

The interface is very intuitive and simple to use, making it convenient for new users.

The SAP solutions are affordable and are offered on-demand, easy to implement, and maintain right from an affordable on-premise solution to the on-demand monthly subscription; these solutions can be applied in a few weeks.

SAS is not only efficient but is also known to have controlled costs to a great extent.

It offers seamless integration with many data management tools. This integrated platform spreads across BI, data warehousing, performance management, data quality, data integration, and others.

Offers integration with many enterprise applications. As a result, it draws a larger user base than SAS.

TCS, IBM, and Accenture India are some of the well-known companies using SAP

Infosys, Capgemini, and Cognizant are some well-known organizations using SAS.

Pros of SAS & SAP


The user interface of SAS Advanced Analytics is one of the easiest I have used. The software is easy enough for a professional to self-learn. With that said, a professional should probably have some experience in advanced analytics to get the most use out of the software.

The web interface of SAS Advanced Analytics makes it easier to produce analyses from any computer anywhere in the world.

The number of options available for simulations is world-class. Additionally, SAS makes it easier than most other software tools to see exactly what it is doing. Other software tools built for professional analysts are less straightforward.


Data collection is in real-time. When the data source of the various sectors is integrated, SAP Hana is able to collect accurate and real-time information, be it from negotiations, advertising, customer service, and much more. This data collection in real-time allows us to obtain graphs that advance in real-time, and thus we can know exactly the movement of each area of ​​the company at all times without having to wait a long time for a report to be generated.

The SAP Hana database is very secure, all our data remains safe at all times and we can choose the privacy of the information so that each person in charge of managing the platform can see specific information. We can import and export data at any time, without fear that any of our essential data will be leaked or stolen.

It supports an amount of data greater than 40TB, this helps us too much to be able to collect information and store it, to be able to have a much broader graphical analysis that covers several days or several weeks, and even months.

Cons of SAS & SAP


SAS Advanced Analytics takes a while to get doing. SAS could improve the start-up process. Because the software starts so slowly, I have to be completely committed to doing analytics for a good period of time before I will open the software.

The default color schemes on Advanced Analytics are not very nice to look at. It's almost as if SAS read Tableau's playbook and said, "Hey, let's do the complete opposite." Bad decision.

SAS could make the process of learning the analytics steps of SAS Advanced Analytics simpler. Although it is generally simpler than other tools, that doesn't mean it's perfect.


SAP Hana has a large number of functions, its system is very complicated to use and this makes it even more difficult to obtain a good ROI after the user purchases an SAP Hana plan. This is one of the negative factors that SAP Hana has, it is an in-memory database that is very complicated to implement, it is necessary to have a constant practice of its functions and the configurations that must be made, to start obtaining results. Notable in a company.

The SAP Technical Support team does not offer an immediate response during the implementation process. During our implementation process, the participation of many employees of the Software Engineering sector was necessary, in addition, we require high participation of IT employees, to have a feasible implementation since we do not receive any type of support from the Support team. From SAP, they took a long time to give us an answer to our implementation questions.

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